Top 20 NuGet IoC Packages

JavaScriptEngineSwitcher.Extensions.MsDependencyInjection contains extension methods for adding the JS engine switcher in an `IServiceCollection`.
WindsorContainer implementation of the Shuttle.Core.Container dependency injection interfaces
UnityContainer implementation of the Shuttle.Core.Container dependency injection interfaces
SimpleConfig allow applications to use configurations values from any data store in the type of interfaces, thus decouples the frameworks from your appliaction and allowing application to inject interfaces and nothing else. This framework should be used instead of .Net Core IOptions<T>.
Utf8Json ASP.NET Core Mvc Input/Output Formatter.
Unity Configuration
Provides the necessary code to register components into the DI container
Provides a convenient way to run async tasks with proper callback and exception handling. This is especially useful when running async code from the UI context (e.g. WPF). Supports parallel Tasks, Cancellation as well as Dependency Injection.
The purpose of this library is to help developers with dependency injection per HTTP request context. This is currently not available via the default dependency injection infrastructure. A secondary goal is provide easy access to common infrastructure services such as security, logging, etc.
Base package for auto mocking constructor arguments
Armature dependency injection framework, provides fluent syntax and syntax sugar over Armature.Core framework
Plugin Manager Plugin which monitors Url's and Query/Form input for sql injection attempts. Provides feed back on those "Bad Eggs" why don't play nicely!
A set of view based conventions to assist with separating view from logic/data
EcsRx plugin to add the notion of computeds to the system
Hangfire integration for Stashbox.
A reactive take on the ECS pattern for monogame developers
Entity Framework Core backing for APIBlox.NetCore.EventStore.
DryIoc extension for ASP.NET WebAPI and OWIN
KickStart Extension for NLog
Auto-mocking container