Top 20 NuGet IoC Packages

DryIoc.MefAttributedModel is DryIoc extension to support Microsoft Managed Extensibility Framework for DryIoc container
Dependency graph library.
KickStart Extension for Ninject
KickStart Extension for MongoDB
KickStart Extension for AutoMapper
KickStart Extension for Autofac
KickStart Extension for Unity
HttpClient Factory extension for Twino IOC
Entity Framework Core Data Context extension for Twino IOC
MSBuild Tasks of MessagePack for C#.
Write AWS Lambda Functions using Dependency Injection.
An easy solution for consuming APIs
Exposes dependency injection modularization.
Validate the usage of dependency injection at compile time, rather than run time.
Unity IL2CPP application reverse engineering framework
Small and simple factory. TinyFactory is ready to store and instantiate simple classes. This factory can create new instances of classes or store their references to them.
With AutoReg you can register your services automatically. You only have to decorate the interface and the class(es) with specific attributes. Further you have the possibility to configure (instead of hard coded) the implementation which shall be register.