Top 20 NuGet IoC Packages

DryIoc container implementation
Send mail using Unity(DI). Just config file only, binary file is not necessary.
Connect database using Unity(DI). Just config file only, binary file is not necessary.
Ninject application services for CQRSBase
MvcContrib.Castle is an addon for MvcContrib that contains WindsorControllerFactory to work with Castle.Windsor.
Bailey.Web.Http provides a Windsor-based controller activator, a dependency resolver, and a dependency scope class for ASP.NET WebApi.
Bailey.Web.Mvc provides a Windsor-based controller factory and dependency resolver for ASP.NET MVC.
Support for dependency injection using TinyIoC.
A plugin for Glimpse to show Unity registrations.
Use PocketContainer to resolve dependencies for ASP.NET Web API.
Feature Switch IoC container support for Ninject
SimpleInjector dependency injection library adapter for FluentDataAnnotations.Mvc
A chill container that uses unity as a dependency injection container
Repository Pattern For Frankstein
Repository Pattern For Frankstein
Versioner is a utility library to provide the notion of versions and dependencies for .NET applications and to implement common operations atop them.
Exor.Core is a simple, attribute-driven extension framework. Implemented as a PCL for cross-platform usage, Exor.Core allows you to define type mappings in a deferred manner, i.e. types defined in BaseModule can be subclassed in AddinModule and those subtypes loaded in respon...
MEF IoC Container support for Hangfire (background job system for ASP.NET applications).
Integration between AutoMapper and Unity DI
All interfaces used by ModuleInject.