Top 20 NuGet F# Packages

Form abstraction making it easier to works with form in Elmish application
PouchDB wrappers and helpers for Fable
FSec is a tool for automatically running security tests for .NET programs. The tool provides some basic security testing functionality to discover vulnerabilities in an application, including: XSS, XML Bomb, XPath injection, SQL injection, URL tampering, URL bogus, ...
Suave server for Elmish.Bridge
Client part of Elmish.Remoting
Elmish.XamarinForms client for Elmish.Bridge
Native support for destructuring F# types when logging to Serilog.
LSON is intended to be a S-Expression serialization library
Building Dockerfiles from F#.
Blazor rendering with F#.
Types and parsers for working with the HTTP State (Cookies) specification in RFC 6265
Types and parsers for working with the HTTP Patch specification in RFC 5789 and RFC 7231
Types and parsers for working with the HTTP Origin specification in RFC 6454 and the W3C CORS specification
Types and parsers for working with the HTTP specifications in RFC 7230
Arachnid Optics for access to HTTP state/cookies extension properties of requests and responses, powered by the Hopac concurrency library
Arachnid Optics for access to HTTP state/cookies extension properties of requests and responses
Arachnid Optics for access to Patch extension properties of requests and responses, powered by the Hopac concurrency library