Top 20 NuGet F# Packages

FSharp functions for streaming graph data to gephi
Persimmon.Unquote is a fork of Unquote for Persimmon.
FSharpDataLayer is a easy pluggable, robost and complete data layer component which supports IOC and connects C# or VB project easily without much of hassle. This package bundles generic repository and unit of work design patterns.
Syntactic (Semantic) Versioning for .NET libraries heavily inspired in elm-package (bump and diff)
Syntactic (Semantic) Versioning for .NET libraries heavily inspired in elm-package (bump and diff)
A collection of modules and funcitons to make working with Service Fabric intuitive in F#. Includes FabricStore, which greatly simplifies IReliableDictionary operations.
Persimmon.MuscleAssert provide custom assertions for Persimmon.
Provides an extensible solution for creating Data Processing Pipelines in F#.
Persimmon.Dried.Gen provide value generator for property based testing.
Shaver is lightweight F# library for web server built on the top of the Razor Engine and provides some extra features like template composing, setting custom return codes, localization resources support or server thread auto-localization by client Accept-Language header.
Provides api support for flow, adding request handling, logging setup and a simple run function
A sister package to canopy for integration tests.
Unidirectional Framework for XAML Platforms built on top of Gjallarhorn
Advanced F# Support for LiteDB (v4.x) with query construction through quotation expressions
Helpers around Bulma for Elmish apps
F# Message Templates parser - the ability to parse {named} string values
F# Message Templates - the ability to format {named} string values, and capture the properties
Yet another drawing DSL in F#
Yet another drawing DSL in F#