Top 20 NuGet Excel Packages

Wrapper for ClosedXML for simple sheet creation and navigation
A library for quickly reading excel spreadsheets with LINQ.
Excel data reader to create test data adapters. The adapter support xlsx and xml spreadsheet 2003 files
A simple library for writing and reading Excel spreadsheets using a Dot Net List of T as the input or received output of the operation.
Nequeo document component
A fast and easy way to export a collection of any .Net class into an Excel spreadsheet.
NoteWo ExcelHelper
The StaticDataLibrary T4 template generates a library of static data objects from CSV files and Excel spreadsheets. The primary intended use for this template is to generate lists of data at design-time for unit tests, although it can also be used to generate other static data that doesn't change du...
A wrapper library to manipulate MS Excel files easily.
Http extensions for Trendyol.Excelsior.
This includes some useful utility functions for ExcelDna development, like casting Excel Range into Object arrays, etc.
.NET library to convert between A1 and R1C1 reference styles used in Excel document
Smart 是一个免费、开源、快速、简单、面向对象的轻量级.NET开发框架。
Library for parsing and writing SocialCalc sheet save format.
Generic extension method enabling retrival of ExcelTable rows as an enumeration of typed objects.
Portable .Net Client for Document Conversion Suite Cloud Service You can get your client key from:
Set of classes for *.xls workbook reading and writing. It requires Access DB Engine 2007(!) to be installed.
TableIO.ClosedXml is TableIO Extension for reading and writing Excel(xlsx).