Top 20 NuGet Excel Packages
Simple .net wrapper for managing Excel spreadsheets
ExcelDataReader ( without SharpZipLib dependency
ExcelDataReader ( without SharpZipLib dependency
Interface for the WPF helper method - Add-in X
This an assembly you can use for Excel 2013/2016/2019 COM interop, generated and signed by Microsoft. This is entirely unsupported and there is no license since it is a repackaging of Office assemblies.
Razor Mvc ProjectのオブジェクトからExcel Fileを出力します。
An extension method with which the properties and fields of a collection of class instance items is output to Excel using the NetOffice libraries.
Interface that will be used for the logging wrapper used by Add-in X
Interface for the wrapper of inversion of control - Add-in X
Tests for ExcelAbtraction implementations
This is a package of an Example Project for NpoiExcel. As a free C# excel API, it can enable developers to edit, copy, create, print and convert Excel files which were generated by NPOI. With NpoiExcel, you can create a large range of applications for free. It supports both for the old Excel 97-2003...
Open-source Excel add-in in C#/.NET4.0 that makes matrix, vector and most importantly, table-valued functions of Finaquant Calcs available for Excel users and programmers. Based on ExcelDNA and NetOffice