Top 20 NuGet Entity Framework Packages

Provides extension methods used to executing raw SQL statements and retriving the result set directly from DbContext.
Based on the application framework developed by .Net Standard, it is committed to rapid development, standardization of some standards, and so on.
Small Helper for DbContext to execute code on DbContext and decouple context creation.
Common functionality for EF Core applications, primarily having an audit trail in a context.
Extensions of EntityFrameworkCore to make it easier to add Entity and Query Configurations by assembly
Adds Global query filtering and saving functionality to entity framework through
DevFramework is an open source solution for complete enterprise application development
Entity Framework ValueConverters for Scarp, a type-safe library for C# programming.
Provider agnostic transaction sharing for Entity Framework Core
NetTopologySuite support for the SQLite database provider for Entity Framework Core.
.Net standard repository library for Entity Framework
The QueryPlanGenerator.EntityFramework will generate sql server execution plans for entity framework call. By default the plans will get saved to the file system.
EF.Auditor is a simple and lightweight auditing library for Entity Framework Core that supports Domain Driven Design.
This is extension for Npgsql.EntityFrameworkCore.PostgreSQL. it's enables filter data in Case Insensitive mode.