Top 20 NuGet Database Packages

SQL primitives and helpers.
This is a port of Poor Man's T-SQL Formatter to .Net Standard 2.0 so it can be used with .Net or .Net Core. Everything but the core library (console app, web app, plugins, etc.) has been removed.
Easy call sql stored procedure from Xamarin Form.
re-linq SQL Backend: A framework for generating SQL based on the re-linq Frontend.
Shared test suite for ADO.NET providers.
Provides static wrapper for repository factory for those who cannot or do not want to use dependency injection
A wrapper over System.Data.SQLite to simplify querying
DensoDB is a new NoSQL document database. Written for .Net environment in c# language. It run in-process so you does not need any configuration or installation.
A simple abstraction on top of the Dapper extension synchronous and asynchronous methods to aid testability. This is based on the original code by Andrew Miller.
An easy to use extension for SQLite.Net PCL that allows you to seamlessly encrypt/decrypt data when inserted/accessed from the database by adding one simple attribute. Works great one all major platforms (iOS, Android, Windows Universal)
Dapper, DapperExtensions and Linq Queries.
A simple and lightweight data access tool for .Net
A provider that allows tracing Entity Framework queries and updates.
A .NET framework for multi-database platform migrations, versioning and schema modifications. Write database migrations and/or schema modifications in your favorite .NET language and let Mig# generate the platform-dependent SQL code and update your schema. Features: fluent interface, automatic versi...
Easiest and fastest Micro ORM, you've got the queries, you've got the objects, take the best of two worlds ! This is the SQL Server database provider.
Configuration-less object-relational mapper for SQL Server and SQL Server CE / SQL Server CE 4.0
Simple extension to Dapper to allow arbitrary column to property mapping.
Postgresql provider for Entity Framework 5 and below
Repository and Entity Base for MongoDB Applications Caching, standardized Methods, Easy Entity Access and Manipulation
Tracker-enabled DbContext for EF Core Forked from Enhancements: Avoid multiple selects for one changed entity, add possibility to insert new data to context inside OnAuditLogGenerated event handler