Top 20 NuGet Database Packages

Without migrations you need to create a lots of sql scripts that have to be run manually by every developer involved. Migrations solve the problem of evolving a database schema for multiple databases (for example, the developer's local database, the test database and the production database).
Snapper tool for data base connection and DML commands
Extensions of CQRSlite package provided as a set of features in the context of SQL read model.
Persistence extension for Navigator Framework bots, requires provider implementations.
Simple NHibernate mapper using attributes against entity classes and properties.
Roscoe is a strongly-typed fluent interface for SQL Server
SQLite provider for Riz.XFramework.
Oracle provider for Riz.XFramework.
Riz.XFramework is a lightweight and high performance object-relational mapper for .NET use the native Entity Framework api.
The SQL Assessment API provides a mechanism to evaluate the configuration of the SQL server for best practices. The API is delivered with a ruleset containing best practice rules suggested by the SQL Server team.
Facil generates F# data access source code from SQL queries and stored procedures. Optimized for developer happiness.
Persistant queue message data library for Horse MQ
Hydra is a app generation tool with resulting source code. Generated front-end support for Ionic/Angular. Restful microservice layer support for .NET Core. Back-end support for SQL Server. Other supported technologies coming soon as Hydra is highly extensible. Also includes support for mobile capabi...
This is a .NET Core 6.0, 3.1, and .NET Standard 2.0-compatible implementation of Oracle Coherence .NET Extend Client. For .NET Framework 4.x compatible implementation, see
.NET Core SQL parser for DynamoDB
SQLite bindings for FP.UoW
Conditions for Dapper and SQL
EasySettingsOps provides easy insert delete update operations for Properties.Settings
Library of basic functions to run SQL Server stored procedures and functions (table and scalar)
Database migrations and schema versioning adaptor for Snowflake. For technical details and samples, visit