Top 20 NuGet Database Packages

Transient error detection strategies to use with Windows Azure SQL Database, for the Transient Fault Handling Application Block ("Topaz").
MiniProfiler integration for WCF
An Insight.Database provider for MySql so the two can play together nicely. Automatically installs MySql.Data driver.
A PostgreSQL provider for Insight.Database so Insight.Database can do its magic on PostgreSQL. Automatically installs Npgsql PostgreSQL driver.
Glimpse is a web debugging and diagnostics tool used to gain a better understanding of whats happening inside of your ASP.NET 3.5+ application. This package adds ADO profiling for those using DbProviderFactory.
Additional persistence provider for NEventStore using MongoDB.
A Sybase ASE provider for Insight.Database so Insight.Database can do its magic on PostgreSQL. Automatically installs Sybase ASE drivers.
Generate POCO models for all existing tables and stored procedures in a database for use with OrmLite.
Simplifies the use of Qb.Net with Dapper
A tiny polyglot component to help POCO objects work with both NoSQL and SQL databases at the same time on .NET
Microsoft Orleans clustering provider backed by ADO.NET
The SQL Server Management Objects (SMO) Framework is a set of objects designed for programmatic management of Microsoft SQL Server and Microsoft Azure SQL Database.
Master-detail CRUD framework based on ASP.NET Core 8. It is prepared for developers to develop Entity Framework database managing applications.
Provides various methods for interacting with a database.
Simple database wrapper for Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Sqlite. written in C# supporting dynamic query building and nesting using expressions. Refer to other DatabaseWrapper packages if you only need support for one database type.
EasyQuery visual controls for Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF)
Microsoft SQL Server helper slots for Magic, allowing you to easily connect to an SQL Server database, and read, update, delete and insert into your database. To use package go to
A generic and dynamic SQL data adapter, allowing you to generate SQL dialects, specific to your database type, such as MySQL or SQL Server. This is the core base class data adapter for Magic. To use package go to
MySQL Server helper slots for Magic allowing you to easily connect to a MySQL database, and read, update, delete and insert into your database. To use package go to
FAnsiSql is a database management/ETL library that allows you to perform common SQL operations without having to know which Database Management System (DBMS) you are targetting (e.g. Sql Server, My Sql, Oracle).