Top 20 NuGet Database Packages

Sql data access library and object mapper that i've used over the years. Provides simple and straight forward data access/mapping that favors convention over configuration.
Early edition of a library for code-first data layer management
A class library that allows you to point to a database and represent the complete schema with columns, relationships (including fk names and multiplicity) in a simple object hierarchy. Some use cases require a schema of a database without the bulk of Entity power tools or Entity Framework. This cl...
A interface for implementing caching and storage of objects by their hash, a specialized key/value store for any object that implements `CryptLink.SigningFramework.IHashable`.
A dapper extension library. Support MySQL,SQL Server,PostgreSQL,SQLite,Oracle and ODBC, Support cache.
Data Access Component that makes it easy to setup and query data from SQL server.
Injects values into config files directly or via environment variables. Can inject app settings, connection strings, or WCF client endpoints.
A full-featured logger to log events into Database to be used in ASP.NET Core 2.x projects
A MongoDb repository pattern implementation.
DotNetHelper.ObjectToSql takes your generic types or dynamic & anonymous objects and convert it to sql. It also works with DataTable
Fork of AsyncPoco with support for array based parameters in postgresql and sql server
Nebula is a lightweight, fast and cost efficient .NET Core data abstraction library backed by CosmosDb.
The official collection of get, insert, update and delete helpers for Also handles lists of entities and optional "dirty" tracking of interface-based entities.
Embedded text file database with minified file structure for .Net Apps
Contains Entity Framework implementations for Xpandables.Standards.
Fast Relational DB scalable caching. Multiple DB loaders.
企业库基础包 简单开发企业库【入口统一,调用简单,封装完美】Enterprise Library Basic Package Simple development enterprise library (entrance unity, simple call, perfect encapsulation)
The Report Viewer is FREE for development but has a built in data row limits. To remove the limits you can register for a free trial or purchase a fully supported license.
Test sql server database with plain sql scripts.