Top 20 NuGet Azure Packages

Support to generate an OpenAPI (f.k.a. Swagger) v3 document for HTML triggered functions in Azure Function Apps. This document can easily be used to generate a Json response, or to generate HTML documentation.
Lightweight Reliable Messaging Framework with Outbox
AzureKeyVault KeyProvider for Messaging
AzureServiceBus Transport for Eventfully
app insight logging provider
A Cosmos storage provider for ASP.NET Core Identity.
Azure Storage implementation of TTG Storage
A smart and simple library for pub/sub implementation for Microsoft Azure Service Bus
EventStore on Azure Table/Blob Storage with custom bindings for Azure Functions
A small and simple package to add dependeny tracking for Azure Application Insights when using Marten with PostgreSql
AzurePartialFileReader for ZipContent.Core Lists zip file content on Azure Blob without downloading whole document. Supports both zip and zip64 files.
Thin F# wrapper for Azure Search .NET SDK
Azure Blobs V12 implementation
Provides a default implementation of a string replacement service that replaces keys with values and an implementation of a key replacement service that abstracts Azure Key Vault
Azure Service Bus client for RSMassTransit, a MassTransit message bus interface for SQL Server Reporting Services
NLog extension to log in Azure Tables, creating a separated table for each month of the year
Provides an NHibernate driver that uses the Microsoft Transient Fault Handling library to allow for reliable SQL Azure connections.