Top 20 NuGet Azure Packages

Builds release history notes from unreleased pull requests on GitHub, GitLab, Azure DevOps Services / Server, BitBucket Cloud and Bitbucket Server and optionally posts them to a markdown file, Atlassian Confluence and Slack.
Wrapper library over the official Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB .NET Client library and the Gremlin.NET driver. This package is a dependency free reference to be used in your Domain library. Provides Annotation Attributes and the Serialization Helper.
boots is a dotnet global tool for "bootstrapping" vsix & pkg files.
Provides support for advanced message processing scenarios using Microsoft Azure Service Bus, including retry with back off delay handling through failure policies.
A very lightweight HTTP binding extension for Azure Functions.
Redis provider extension for the Durable Task Framework.
A nuget package containing SmartAssembly MSI installer for use in automated environments (such as Azure Pipelines)
A set of utility or convenience extensions for the fluent API for using the Text Analytic set of cognitive services
A set of utility or convenience extensions for the fluent API for using the Face set of cognitive services
A set of utility or convenience extensions for the fluent API for using the ComputerVision set of cognitive services
Contains core functionality for working with secrets
Provides support for Azure Key Vault
SQLNado (SQLite Not ADO) is a .NET lightweight bloat free object persistence framework based on SQLite. SQLNado supports all of SQLite features when using SQL commands, and also supports most of SQLite features through .NET: * Automatic class-to-table mapping (Save, Delete, Load, LoadAll, Lo...
A fluent API for using the Face related set of cognitive services
The WebJobs/Azure Functions trigger providing batches of Azure Storage Queues' messages directly to your function.
Extensions to help clean up dependency injection in Azure WebJobs using SimpleInjector as a container.
Includes types that provide support for signing and encrypting tokens with Azure Key Vault for Applications that are using Managed identities for Azure resources.
Microsoft Orleans persistence provider backed by Azure CosmosDB
PriorityStorageQueueReader is a priority based reader message reader for Azure Queue that supports great multi-threading processing capability A single reader may read form multiple queues within the same storage account and process on multiple handlers new PriorityStorageQueueRead...
A fluent API for using the Emotion detection set of cognitive services