Top 20 NuGet Azure Packages

Azure Vault SDK used to fetch secrets from Azure Key Vault
Azure EventGrid Client
This package contains files requried for codeless Application Insights injection. SDK version 2.6.1. Help: run 'powershell applicationInsights-injector-bootstrap.ps1 -help'
Checks AzureDeploy.json for some basic errors
Provides an input binding for Azure Functions v2 to get keys and get/set secrets from Azure Key Vault
CostsSaver-Azure.PowerShell - powershell module, which could be used to down-/up- scale resources at Azure to save on theirs costs. See project site for explanation.
Validate if a list of container images against a policy
Azure Storage Client for single file retrieval
This package provides the necessary MSBuild files that support IoT Edge projects.
This library contains enclave providers for .NET Framework applications using Always Encrypted with secure enclaves. An enclave provider implements the client-side logic for the attestation protocol and for establishing a secure channel with a secure enclave inside SQL Server. For details on Always ...
CosmosDBSDK for performing operations on Azure CosmosDB- added partition key in header with default value id
Simple and Cross Platform Azure Storage CLI
Microsoft Azure Stream Analytics
Azure Industrial IoT default abstraction implementations and utilities