Top 20 NuGet ASP.NET Packages

Redis messaging backplane for scaling out of ASP.NET SignalR applications in a web-farm.
This package includes the required dependencies for self-hosting SignalR in a process outside of IIS using OWIN and HTTPListener.
NWebsec.SessionSecurity is an easy to use session security library for ASP.NET applications. See project website for documentation.
Less CSS compiler support for Cassette.
WebSharper bindings for Rapha�l 2.0.1 (
WebSharper bindings to the Modernizr library 1.6.
The FubuMVC Asset Pipeline
OWIN componenets for ASP.NET SignalR.
Adds a mobile master page and a view switcher user control to enable switching between mobile and desktop views using ASP.NET Friendly URLs. Note: This package contains content for C# Web Application Projects (WAPs) only.
A library that enables automatic resolution of extensionless URLs to ASP.NET file-based handlers, e.g. ASPX pages.
F# computation expressions for configuring the Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.IWebHostBuilder and defining routes for HTTP resources using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing.
A generic cache mechanism that provides config switching between memory, ASP.NET web, AppFabric, memcached and redis cache mechasnisms. Supports advanced features such as cache dependencies and also fully supports AppFabric and redis within Azure. This package contains example code, configurati...
T4 template for Javascript generation. Helps to get access from Javascript to constants and urls of your MVC actions. MvcActions.Home.Index("param1")
ASP.NET Core (ASP.NET 5) framework support for RestBus
Middleware for the ASP.NET Core Diagostic system to demystify exceptions (using Ben.Demystifier)
Automates exception handling for ASP.NET applications
Provides a framework to build reactive interfaces in WebSharper,similar to Formlets but with more control over the structure of the output.
EVO PDF Print Library for .NET can be easily integrated in your applications targeting the .NET Framework to silently print PDF documents. This version of the library is compatible with .NET Framework on Windows 32-bit (x86) and 64-bit (x64) platforms. For .NET Core and .NET Standard applications ...
EVO Word to PDF Library for .NET can be easily integrated in your applications targeting the .NET Framework to create PDF documents from Word documents. The library can also be used to create, edit and merge PDF documents. This version of the library is compatible with .NET Framework on Windows pla...
Logary support for ASP.NET Core (MS MVC) logging for the `Microsoft.Extensions.*` packages.