Top 20 NuGet ASP.NET Packages

Blazor: Provide components and utilities related to browser's DOM. jQuery-like for Blazor is included. Just call _(Selector string) method. Please follow the setup steps written to the README:
Allows populating the example property of a schema object in the output swagger with meaningful data, minimizing the work by providing attributes to decorate properties.
MultiTenancyServer ASP.NET Core library.
Provides the infrastructure for the Kephas Framework integration with ASP.NET Core applications. Typically used areas and classes/interfaces/services: - StartupBase, IAspNetAppContext. - Hosting: IMiddlewareConfigurator, IEndpointConfigurator, IStartupFilterService. Kephas Framework ("s...
Swashbuckle.AspNetCore extensions for DotVVM.
Contains assemblies and content items required to integrate Kentico Xperience into ASP.NET MVC 5 applications.
EVO HTML to PDF Library for .NET Core x64 can be easily integrated your applications targeting .NET Core or .NET Standard to create PDF documents from HTML pages and strings. The library can also be used to convert HTML to images, convert HTML to SVG, create, edit and merge PDF documents. This opti...
Kontent Management SDK
Show current route info and all routes in an ASP.NET Core application
Model classes for RiskFirst.Hateoas
Enables propagation of ISTIO tracing headers in ASP.Net Core.
DalSoft.Hosting.BackgroundQueue is a very lightweight .NET Core replacement for HostingEnvironment.QueueBackgroundWorkItem using IHostedService
An OData 4.0 protocol provider for RESTar. For Starcounter or later
ASP.NET Core middleware providing pure server-side output caching through a simple-to-use API
An SQLite resource provider for RESTar. For Starcounter or later
Glimpse is a web debugging and diagnostics tool used to gain a better understanding of whats happening inside of your ASP.NET MVC 3.0 application.
Provides a user-friendly '404' page whenever a controller, action or route is not found in your ASP.NET MVC3/MVC4/MVC5 application. A view called NotFound is rendered instead of the default ASP.NET error page.
Simple, terse, fluent unit testing of ASP.NET MVC Controllers. ASP.NET MVC 5 version; install FluentMVCTesting.Mvc4 if you are using MVC4 or FluentMVCTesting.Mvc3 if you are using MVC 3.
ASP.NET Web API Route Debugger
RequireJS.NET integrates RequireJS script loader with ASP.NET MVC