Top 20 NuGet ASP.NET Packages

Extensions and helpers to facilitate work with MediatR library.
General utilities and helpers for building ASP.NET Core WEB API
Wiz DotNet Core API Template
Extends Microsoft.Extensions.Logging to add support for Serilog Console. This library uses up to date Serilog packages and provides a official release for console sinks
Enables ASP.NET Core Web APIs to directly integrate with services created using the SnapObjects ORM (SnapObjects.Data).
some tools for fast developing back-end.
Basic framework for building clusters
Telerik UI for ASP.NET MVC provides server-side helpers for Kendo UI's JavaScript framework. It enables developers comfortable with the ASP.NET MVC framework to easily configure and work with Kendo UI via familiar server-side programming instead of relying solely on hand-coding of HTML and JavaScrip...
Unicorn.UI.Web is Unicorn test automation framework extension which provides ready for use implementations of interaction with Web UI with extended capabilities. Unicorn Web features: Ready for use implementations of common controls, extended page object features. This package includes i...
Web API exceptions and model state errors handler, returning a standard json response
A Spotify Web API wrapper. Claras Branch.
Model-View-Update architecture for WebSharper
Enable/disable Entities and attributes for Portal Web API and Generate Code Snippets
Find out which web resources take the most space.
Extension for Wolfringo library, providing support for ASP.NET Core and other .NET Core Hosting scenarios.
Web API Testing support
自用SqlSugar扩展,不包含数据库连接类库,需要自行下载,Fork From SqlSugar