Top 20 NuGet ASP.NET Packages

Этот пакет содержит русские вспомогательные сборки для ASP.NET DotNetOpen Membership.
Bu paket, ASP.NET DotNetOpen Membership için Türkçe uydu derlemelerini içerir.
此程序包包含适用于 ASP.NET DotNetOpen Membership 的 简体中文 附属程序集。
這個套件包含適用於 ASP.NET DotNetOpen Membership 的繁體中文附屬組件。
Balíček obsahuje česká satelitní sestavení pro ASP.NET MVC.
iDeal.NET provides an API to easily communicate with your iDeal provider and integrate iDeal payments into your .NET (web)applications.
MvcDoodle is an ASP.NET MVC library which contains several useful Extensions, HtmlHelpers, Validation Attributes and so on and so forth.
MvcPages combines the simplicity of ASP.NET Web Pages with the power of ASP.NET MVC. Use model binding, model validation, strongly-typed HTML helpers, editor and display templates, etc. directly from your Razor pages, no need for routes or controllers. See the README file for installation i...
My package description.
Framework enable repositary pattern over Entity Framework
Framework enable common patterns for working with models: repositary, model/viewmodel binding
This package contains the runtime assemblies for ASP.NET Web Pages. ASP.NET Web Pages and the new Razor syntax provide a fast, terse, clean and lightweight way to combine server code with HTML to create dynamic web content.
An implementation of RepositoryController that requires OAuth authorization for API actions.
Lightweight Test Automation Framework (LTAF) for ASP.NET runtime dependencies
Decent Web MVC framework
undoable.js is licensed under the Apache license 2.0. Please see LICENSE for more detail.
An easy configuration for EntitySpaces projects in ASP.NET MVC 3 applications.
A metadata provider for ASP.NET Mvc that gathers information from an xml document in lieu of reflection.