Top 20 NuGet ASP.NET Packages

Service Fabric Not Found MiddleWare. Keyword: X-ServiceFabric
适用于ASP.NET Core2.0、2.1、3.0和3.1的 OAuth2 认证中间件,使Web应用程序支持用微信快捷登录。
适用于ASP.NET Core2.0、2.1、3.0和3.1的 OAuth2 认证中间件,使Web应用程序支持用QQ快捷登录。
Class Annotation Based Service Registration for ASP.NET Core
Gravatars are world-renowned avatar images that follow you to where you post, blog or from your apps. GravatarHelper.AspNetMVC.lib is a library class that allows you to generate your image using HTML Help.
Package Description
Cookign is a new library that is responsible for managing the identification and authorization of users on websites.
Extension Methods for ASP.NET Core usage of Fluint library.
you can easy now Editing or Reading Resource .resx files In web Based application
PdfLibrary an extremely easy way to convert a HTML response directly into a PDF document and print the PDF document in an ASP.NET MVC or similar web application.
An extension of ASP .NET Identity system to work with Always Encrypted feature.
Simple web crawler. Discover website resources and sitemap. Supports .net framework, .net standard and .net core.
Notif.Abstractions - notificaion abstractions for .NET Standard
MaxMind GeoLite geo ip resolver for ServerSideAnalytics