Top 20 NuGet ASP.NET Packages

The JSONWebToken.Authentication structure that enables an application to use token based authentication for API and cookie based authentication for browser based web applications.
Aries 的 Web 版本
Package Description
Package Description
Package Description
Package Description
Package Description
Refit based web api client management, but resilient (retry, connectivity, cache, auth, log, priority...)
Refit based web api client management, but resilient (retry, connectivity, cache, auth, log, priority...)
Libreria di classi basi per la creazione di un'applicazione web utilizzando il BWebAppTemplate
Charting components for Ext.NET Classic.
I/O Framework for Web, APIs and Files
Ext.NET is an advanced ASP.NET component framework integrating the cross-browser Sencha Ext JS JavaScript Library. Includes 100+ high performance controls for Data Grids, Trees, Menus, Forms, Advanced Layouts and AJAX communication.
Steeltoe Messaging RabbitMQ
File management, super large file upload, breakpoint renewal
MYear.ODA is a high-performance ORM component for SqlServer / MySql /Oracle / DB2 /SQLite ; It support .Net Framework / .NetCore /.NetStandard
A Chromium-based browser that can be used into your .NET application to load modern web pages built with HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript etc. You can obtain a free 30-day trial by filling a form at
PostSharp.Patterns.Caching: Compatibility with Microsoft's IMemoryCache.
Service worker and Web App Manifest support for ASP.NET Core projects that provides offline support as well as client-side caching.