Top 20 NuGet ASP.NET Packages

Simulate HTTP server interactions with pre-configured responses.
Library to integrate with various South African courier companies.
Enferno Web N2 helpers.
Squishit Factory for tparnell.ContentBundling
Turn a basic C# MVC application in a responsive, ajax based web application
[Obsolete] now included in Baseclass.Contrib.Nuget.Output
Enhances the Narvalo.Mvp package with support for ASP.NET WebForms. Samples are available on the project web site.
A highly available, high performance ASP.NET session state store provider using Memcached.
simple route table for MVC WebSockets support for MVC
Token based auth for WebApi.
Bootstrap is a toolkit from Twitter designed to kickstart development of webapps and sites. It includes base CSS and HTML for typography, forms, buttons, tables, grids, navigation and more.
Web application testing framework.
Web.Require is client dependency framework for ASP.NET MVC
Keep Me Alive (KMA) assists web application developers by providing a simple add-in to help keep sessions from timing out while a user is is viewing a web page.
Send SMS messages with the Nexmo API.
Adds Razor DisplayTemplates that match the default templates embedded in System.Web.Mvc. These are meant to serve as a starting point for creating your own display templates. They also add a little bit of magic to make ASP.NET MVC applications testable by SpecsFor.Mvc.