Top 20 NuGet AJAX Packages

Lykke WampSharp Newtonsoft.Json support
Lightweight network wrapper for working with REST servers
A simple Workflow\ETL system in .NET Core which uses REST services to interact with the outside world.
JsonRpc 2.0 Server for .NET
A simple tool to post object instances to ASP.Net MVC (or whatever) and retrieve strings or instances of objects. The class extends System.Net.WebClient.
Have JSON.Net deserialize using private setters
Support for converting an objects properties to snake_case.
Compares two objects and creates a collection of differences that are compliant to JSON Patch RFC6902
Encapsulated JSON serialization for custom value types
Utilities for working with HTTP-based API clients that use JSON on the wire.
An NLog target that posts JSON to an HTTP endpoint, using Json.NET. You can also set a POST URL programatically instead of in App.config.
Transform json files using a json transformation schema
Easily paging in ASP.NET MVC that get data as chunks from database
A JSONClient for Token based authentication. Targets .NET Standard 1.4
HttpClient-based JsonRpcClientHandler for CXuesong.JsonRpc.Standard.
Contains middelware to localize strings with JSON resources.
Stream-based server and client handler for CXuesong.JsonRpc.Standard.