Top 20 NuGet AJAX Packages

A toolkit for using WebAPI to quickly build REST services complying with the JSON API spec (
Performance-optimised JSON-serialisation tool for .NET.
Assertion methods for JSON comparison
Backbone Ribs is an extension project which adds an additional layer of functionality to Backbone that simplifies creation of basic types of views, adds more granular JSON handling and separates concerns further by separating Views from Regions (see Views and regions below for details) which enables...
TweetSharp for windows phone (8/8.1) is a fast, clean wrapper around the Twitter API. It uses T4 templates to make adding new endpoints easy.
Provides JSON (De-)Serialization support for Nancy using NetJSON.
Json.NET source code implementation of an ISerializer to use with ArcGIS.PCL. To use just call JsonDotNetSerializer.Init().
ServiceStack.Text source code implementation of an ISerializer to use with ArcGIS.PCL. To use just call ServiceStackSerializer.Init().
Custom serialization when NMoneys objects are to be serialized/deserialized using RavenDB.
Custom serialization when NMoneys objects are to be serialized/deserialized using ServiceStack.Text.
.NET Data Model for Jenkins build factory REST API.
A set helpers and tools for the Microsoft Azure platform.
Json MediaTypeFormatter based on JIL
AcspNet JSON controller response and model binder
A client-side library for .NET that extends WebSync to provide optimizations for high network traffic scenarios. (Community Edition)
An AngularJS Directive that uses hidden iFrame for uploading files. It works across browsers (even non-HTML5 complaint one) down to IE6.
Library for getting TV guide data from Schedules Direct's JSON web API
Adding inline edit functionality to html elements using CKEditor and provide a simple data persistence.
Builds api endpoint information / documentation dynamically by reflecting over the controllers and actions.