Top 20 NuGet AJAX Packages

SerialBox is a simple serialization wrapper. It acts as a wrapper around various serialization libraries, thus giving them a common interface to deal with.
Advanced .Net API for RabbitMQ, JSON Serialization support
This is an unofficial port of Xilium.CefGlue to NETStandard. For more recent versions and updates please also check the main Xilium.CefGlue site @
A Bridge.NET implementation of the popular Json.NET framework
RestSharp extensions to use Newtonsoft.Json for serialization/deserialization
The CData JSON Data Provider allows you to display JSON files in a table format. Just specify your credentials to retrieve JSON data and display it in a table.
AsNet.Shared es una librería que contiene funcionalidad de código comun como, Entidades de Resultado de capa de datos, negocio, DI services y helpers, Extensiones de Lenguaje .Net, Image Tools, Criptografía, entre otras utilidades de código.
GraphQL Query
The wrappers and extensions methods for System.Text.Json
Provides access to the reporting tool List & Label. Please note that a List & Label installation is required.
Some Newtonsoft.JSON helper extension methods and types (e.g. JsonConverters). Most important is the extension method on objects exposting a useful `ToJson` extension method, which allows one to serialize any object to Json with a single call, while being able to specify whether to indent, to camel-...
A simple utility which creates string representations of objects.
Abbotware Interop Library for System.Text.Json - Contains helper methods, extension methods, and plugins
The consolidation NuGet of multiple nugets, all aimed at making some QoL improvements, like .Batch() for IEnumerable Linq and an IOC json "dbcontext" and generic repository
JSON Merge Patch support for ASP.NET Core 6.X (Newtonsoft.Json)
.Net Library for ease configuration and creation of HATEOAS Link.
This package contains some useful tools such as: - String Extensions - Date Extensions - List Extensions - Enum Extensions - Exception Extension - CustomExceptions with Unique ID and Error Codes - Type Converters - Generics Conversion - Json seri...
Plugin for AspNetCore.Tools that extends ISession's abilities and allows you to store there complex objects by serializing them with Newtonsoft.Json.
Your on-the-fly Minecraft launcher core.
Source generator for RestEase: the easy-to-use typesafe REST API client library, which is simple and customisable Generates implementations for RestEase interfaces at compile-time, to provide error-checking, faster execution, and support for platforms which don't support runtime code generation (su...