Top 20 NuGet xamarin Packages

Making App Development Easier with a component for showing a text entry field with a header for Xamarin.Forms projects.
Addition to the CodeMonkeys.DependencyInjection package which integrates Ninject as the background implementation.
Wrapper library for Xamarin.Forms application
Wrapper library for Xamarin.Forms application
Wrapper library for Xamarin.Forms application
Wrapper library for Xamarin.Forms application
Handle Push Notifications. Across iOS , Android and UWP from a single API.
The way the Xamarin.Forms Background Customization in Xamarin.Forms should be
Produces from NuGet packages or reference assemblies System.Reactive Observables for all events within the specified target.
Xamarin.Forms 앱 작성에 도움이 될 수 있는 기능을 제공합니다.
PiA Netaxept iOS SDK is a library that provides the native in-app interactions to accept payments with Netaxept directly from native iOS apps while minimizing PCI DSS requirements for you.
Xamarin.Android binding for PhilJay's MPAndroidChart. A powerful Android chart view / graph view library, supporting line, bar, pie, radar, bubble, and candlestick charts as well as scaling, dragging and animations.
Simple cross platform plugin to use push-notifications for Android and iOS.
XDroidFFmpeg provides powerful audio and video processing / editing powered by ffmpeg
Xamarin.Android Binding for androidx.core:core-ktx
Multiplatform library that makes it easy to start tracking sessions with in your Xamarin application. It encapsulates both native SDKs provided by Smartlook.
Lazy loading Xamarin Forms views
Package to use ViewModel navigation in Xamarin.Forms MVVM application
Addition to the CodeMonkeys.DependencyInjection package which integrates DryIoC as the background implementation.