Top 20 NuGet xamarin Packages

Xamarin Forms Renderer to build native UIs for GTK
Xamarin.Forms.Maps Renderer for GTK
Expandable view for Xamarin.Forms
Ever wonder how facebook and twitter process there background to fetch a new content? It is not hard but you have to deal with each platform functionality, It is not generic and simple.
.NET for Android (formerly Xamarin.Android) bindings for AndroidX library 'androidx.percentlayout:percentlayout'.
Portable Class Library and platform specific support libraries for decoding and encoding JPEG2000 images. Works with Universal Windows (8.1 and 10), .NET Core for .NET Standard 1.0 and higher, .NET 3.5 (WPF and Windows Forms), Windows Phone 8 Silverlight, Silverlight 5, Xamarin iOS and Xamarin An...
Breeze.Sharp is a data management tool for smart client apps. It retrieves data from the server using a rich query language, manages the entity graph of application data, tracks changes, and performs updates of changed data to the server.
This package contains the binding extensions. Mugen MVVM Toolkit makes it easier to develop cross-platform application using the Model-View-ViewModel design pattern. The Mugen MVVM Toolkit makes extensive use of Net Standard Library to provide maintainable cross platform C# native applicat...
This package implements the IOC provider contracts via TinyIOC
This package implements the Serialization provider contracts via ServiceStack
Share statuses, links, and images on Facebook, Flickr, Twitter and more.
TK.CustomMap lets you customize pins, add overlays, calculate routes, search place predictions, cluster pins and more!
Easily add icon fonts to your Xamarin.Forms applications!
Easily add icon fonts to your Xamarin.Forms applications!
Easily add icon fonts to your Xamarin.Forms applications!
UrhoSharp is a lightweight Game Engine suitable for using with C# and F# to create games that run on Android, iOS, Mac, Windows and Unix. The game engine is available as a portable class library, allowing your game code to be written once and shared across all platforms. UrhoSharp is powered by Urho...
Some handy Monogame timer objects that can be used for time effects like hiererchical time, slowdown, speedup, hitpause, etc.
PoolSharp is a simple, light weight, thread safe object pool.
Helper classes for wrapping up input from different devices.
A MonoGame component for doing simple mouse interaction