Top 20 NuGet xamarin Packages

Extension for Ninject providing integration with Mugen MVVM Toolkit.
This package contains the 'Getting Started' assemblies for UWP, Android, iOS platforms. Mugen MVVM Toolkit makes it easier to develop cross-platform application using the Model-View-ViewModel design pattern. The Mugen MVVM Toolkit makes extensive use of Net Standard Library to provide main...
Send Local Notifications across iOS, Android, Windows Phone, and Windows from a single API. Ability to create, send and cancel local notifications.
Custom control for your Xamarin.Forms project to give you a better Map experience. Ensure you call SvgImageRenderer.Init(), TwoColumnCellRenderer.Init(), ExtendedMapRenderer.Init() on each platform!
CSNumerics is a .NET Standard class library of various numerical algorithms written in C#. It currently consists of C# implementations of Michael J.D. Powell's optimization algorithms BOBYQA, LINCOA and COBYLA.
TestFairy is a powerful app testing platform which helps iOS developers send their apps to testers and provides videos that show exactly what happened on the client side during the test. When testing mobile apps in the crowd, you never know what exactly was done and if there was a problem, what...
This package implements the Serialization provider contracts via ProtoBuf
MapExtend for Xamarin.Forms is a plugin for Xamarin.Forms allowing users to draw routes, reveal nearby locations, distance between two points and place pins at certain addresses. ##ALPHA VERSION## Custom Icons - Android Work as Well. iOS Need test
MvvmCross plugin to work with Xamarin Forms on iOS, Android, WinPhone SL, WinStore 8.1 & WinPhone 8.1 projects. Install this plugin on a blank MvvmCross project (each platform) without any customization so that you can click "Yes to all" on overriding alert message. If your project is not a blank o...
PCL Profile259 Websocket client. Perfect for Xamarin Forms Portable Class Library applications. Utilize's sockets-for-pcl.
Estimotes Plugin for Xamarin to allow for cross platform development using the Estimote libraries
Xamarin.Android bindings for Android Support Library - percent
This plugin makes it easy to register to Microsoft Azure Push Notifications from a Xamarin.Forms project and supports using Tags. The supported projects are: - Xamarin.Forms - Xamarin.Android - Windows Phone 8.1 RT - Windows Phone Silverlight - Windows Store 8 ...
Xamarin.Android bindings for Android Support Library - preference-leanback-v17
Valet lets you securely store data in the iOS or OS X Keychain without knowing a thing about how the Keychain works. It’s easy. We promise.
Android device shake detection.
Xamarin.Android bindings for Android Support Library - recommendation
Winnovative HTML to PDF Client for Xamarin can be easily integrated in Xamarin applications on various platforms to create PDF documents from HTML pages and strings. Before using the Winnovative HTML to PDF Client for Xamarin in your applications you first have to install the Winnovative Server. Th...
Android platform specific code