Top 20 NuGet xamarin Packages

AndHUD is a Progress / HUD library for Android which allows you to easily add amazing HUDs to your app!
Official repository of a minimalistic, tiny, ultrahigh-performance, mobile-friendly logger library that supports PCL, .NET Framework 4.5+, WP8, UWP, Xamarin iOS, Xamarin Android, Xamarin Mac
Xamarin.iOS binding for TOCropViewController Source from Release 2.5.0
Xamarin.Android API Level 28 framework built with C# 8.0 default interface methods
MSBuild targets/tasks to add decompiling support to Xamarin.Android bindings projects
Compact library of MVVM commands. Packet contains RelayCommand, SingleExecutionCommand and SequentialCommand. Examples:
This package includes Windows.Foundation like APIs cross-platform such as: - Size for representing number values that specify a height and width. - TypedEventHandler for representing a method that handles general events.
This package includes Windows.System.Profile like APIs cross-platform such as: - AnalyticsInfo for providing information about the device for profiling purposes. - AnalyticsVersionInfo for providing version information about the device family.
Com.Getkeepsafe.Relinker (C# Bindings)
.NET for Android (formerly Xamarin.Android) Bindings for Google's GRPC Context package
Package Description
Xamarin.Android bindings for Android Support Library - preference-v14
Provides powerful yet lightweight logging functionality to your Crosslight apps. Supports all client and server platforms.
Provides end-to-end push messaging functionality to your Crosslight apps. Supports iOS, Android and Windows for the client platforms and .NET 4.5 for the server platforms.
Range Slider for Xamarin
Provides ethernet and bluetooth connectivity services for Crosslight development.
Extensions for converting ArcGIS features into their Xamarin.Forms.Maps equivalent. Works with Windows Phone 8 and higher, Xamarin Android and Xamarin iOS.
A common library for PCL containing useful 'helpers'.