Top 20 NuGet viewmodel Packages

This provides a MVVM layer for Xamarin forms Tools extensions View models abstraction Error management Navigation VM to VM IoC registration
Given a populated object model at runtime, outputs the C# code to recreate the model independently. Able to handle circular references and list initialisations. Particularly useful for snapshotting WPF ViewModels for use in the WPF designer.
Extensions for VisualStudio UnitTest's Assert class to simplify e.g. testing of view models.
The goal of AtomicMVVM is to allow developers to work with MVVM in their XAML based solutions (XPF, WinRT) with minimal effort while not getting in the way of the code. It requires .NET 4.5 or higher. The design goals of AtomicMVVM are (in order): simple over feature rich, unobtrusive over less code...
Easy MVVM Implementation for SL, RIA Services, or WP7
Automatically discover view model dependencies and databind without INotifyPropertyChanged.
Code snippets for Update Controls.
The goal of AtomicPhoneMVVM is to allow developers to work with MVVM in their Windows Phone projects with minimal effort while not getting in the way of the code. It requires Windows Phone 7.1 or higher.
The goal of AtomicStorage is to allow developers to easily cache and restore data during the process lifecycle (suspend/resume) in Windows Phone and Windows 8 (Metro) applications. It is designed to work with good MVVM frameworks.
ViewModeler is small yet powerful MVVM library for WPF that allows you to minimize boring coding. Property-changed notifications written by hand, sounds familiar? Get rid of all that and focus on application logic instead.
EasyMapper is an object-to-object mapper, which allows you to solve issues with mapping of the same properties in one object of one type to another object of another type. It DOES NOT need any mapping configuration. In most of the Domain Drive Design / NTier application there is the need of mapping ...
Provides a cross-platform and cross-UI framework common base class for ICommand implementations, and a BindableBase class for your view models.
Dependency tracking MVVM framework for Windows Forms.
A fluent interface for unit testing INotifyPropertyChanged events
Facilitates two-way binding of the readonly MultiSelector.SelectedItems property in ListBox/ListView on WPF. There's also a working prototype/example for binding Calendar.SelectedDates using a similar mechanism.
This framework extends Prism.StoreApps with useful real-world featires. 1. Displaying of settings flyouts, child views, notifications and flyouts views in MVVM style 2. CompositeUI via regions in ViewModelFirst style
A dynamic ViewModel sample data generator library for .NET Universal Apps.
ZimCode.ViewModels is an collection of handy classes for the MVVM pattern.