Top 20 NuGet viewmodel Packages

Boilerplate code that can speed up your development
Reusable utility and class library for WPF - Featuring: AsyncRelayCommand<T>, ObservablePropertyChangedCollection, BaseViewModel, Visual Tree Helpers, Profiling, Extension Methods, ValueChangedEventArgs, MruManager (Most Recently Used files), AppSettingsConnector and more.
An independent flexible XAML MVVM library for .NET
A lightweight MVVM implementation targeting .NET Standard 2.0 and .NET 6.0.
Reusable utility and class library for WPF .NET Core >= 3.0 - Featuring: AsyncRelayCommand&lt;T&gt;, ObservablePropertyChangedCollection, ViewModel, Visual Tree Helpers, Profiling, Extension Methods, ValueChangedEventArgs, MruManager (Most Recently Used files), AppSettingsConnector, InverExtension M...
Типы для применения в ViewModel в WPF Решении
Reusable utility and class library for UWP - Featuring: AsyncRelayCommand<T>.
Boilerplate code that can speed up your development
Boilerplate code that can speed up your development
An independent flexible XAML MVVM library for .NET
A light extension of NinjaMvvm with some Wpf specific additions
.NET Standard 2.0 - Reusable utility and class library for .NET Standard 2.0 - Featuring: ViewModel (abstract base class), Profiling, Extension Methods, ValueChangedEventArgs, EventAggregator and more.
Reusable utility and class library for .NET Framework 4.8 - Featuring:.
Simple MVVM (Model, ViewModel, View) Framework
Open RIA Services Toolkit - Silverlight ViewModel (MVVM) features
Simple MVVM (Model, ViewModel, View) Framework for Xamarin.Forms.RxUI
Boilerplate code that can speed up your development
.NET Core templates for Stylet, the lightweight but powerful ViewModel-First MVVM framework for WPF
This library provides a special type of List<T> that can be used to create dynamic lists in ASP.NET MVC views, i.e. lists where the user can click "add new item" and the server renders a new list item using Ajax.
Reusable utility and class library for .NET Core >= 3.0 - Featuring: ViewModel (abstract base class), Profiling, Extension Methods, ValueChangedEventArgs, EventAggregator, AutoResetStream and more.