Top 20 NuGet value Packages

sswitch for C++, Single Value Multiple Compare for C++
KitaroDB is a fast and efficient NoSQL database that operates natively on mobile devices, WinRT, and Win32 (C++ and .NET 4.0) platforms. Designed with the app developer in mind, it offers both key-value and intrusive key data stores. Compiler: Compiler: Visual Studio 2015 Update 2. Platforms: Win32,...
Simple implementation of return object from a function.
Classes to read and write “.csv” files including reading or appending a single field or row at a time.
DSharp CSV Helper With this package you can write attributes above your class like: [CsvDelimiter("|")] and above fields: [CsvFormat("yyyyMMdd")] [CsvLength(8)] [CsvFormat("0.00")] [CsvIgnore] Afterwards you can write it: var writer = new Csv...
Evolving AnyValue to use statics instead. Previous methos have been deprecated.
this is a fast, tiny, easy to use CSV reader and writer according to the IETF rfc4180 specification for CSVs
Csv (comma-separated values) Library (.NET Standard Library) A library for reading objects from CSV files and writing objects to CSV files.
Csv (comma-separated values) Library (.NET Framework Library) A library for reading objects from CSV files and writing objects to CSV files. (.NET Framework 4.5.2 or later)
Defining email addresses, distances, phone numbers, etc. as separate semantic types lets you use the C# or VB type system to catch bugs during compilation.
Analyzer forbidden the default constructor of structs
Retourner la valeur la plus grande quelque soit le type de données
Get the biggest value of a generic collection
Get the biggest value of a generic collection
Get the biggest value of a generic collection
Get the biggest value of a generic collection
Get the biggest value of a generic collection
DDD Library
vBridge extends .NET's GUI capabilities by giving developers additional system features, and increases productivity by eliminating common boilerplate code.
Created Nuget Package for Practice.