Top 20 NuGet value Packages

KVLite is a partition-based key-value cache built for SQL RDBMSs. This package contains ASP.NET Core extensions, helpers and components. For example, this package contains efficient extensions for storing POCOs inside ASP.NET Core Session.
Bulk insert from flat files (csv or fixed length) to sql server table, using datareader to maximize performance and memory usage.
A key value pair storage to run on a client device
Provides extensions to use KBCsv with types in System.Data. Online at
Class library containing useful general-programming classes and extension methods for existing types.
A collection of extensions for typical WPF scenarios, like Boxes, Value Converters, Template Selectors and other helpful extensions.
Containts strongly-typed base classes for Value Conversion in WPF (IValueConverter interface - full binding support).
KVLite is a partition-based key-value cache built for SQL RDBMSs. This package contains default MySQL driver.
Source code package. An extension which parses the values of the given IDictionary<string,object> and replaces any tokens referencing keys from itself, and then adds all such values to environment variables if they were not already there.
Source code package. An extension which parses the values of the given IDictionary<string,object> and replaces any tokens referencing keys from itself.
Source code package. A utility class for substituting absent environment variables in the current process from a JSON file.
KBCsv is an efficient, easy to use .NET parsing and writing library for the CSV (comma-separated values) format, delivered as a netstandard 1.0 library. Online at
Provides generally useful extensions to KBCsv as a Portable Class Library. Online at
Please upgrade to version 12 (Search ThinkGeo.Core on NuGet) if possible. Version 12 works with both .NET Framework and .NET Core, has much less dependencies and many other benifits over 10.0. Value Style is included in the main package ThinkGeo.Core in Version 12. ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Styles.Val...
WebForms.MVVM é um conjunto de ferramentas que permite tratar os componentes do WebForms de aplicações legadas como **ValueObjects**.
Value is a pico library (or code snippets shed) to help you to easily implement Value Types (also known as Value Objects in DDD) in your C# projects without making implementation errors nor polluting your domain logic with boiler-plate code.
Source code package. An extension which parses the value of the given KeyValuePair<string,object> and replaces any tokens referencing keys in the given data.
An extension for FakeItEasy which allows for capturing arguments sent to a fake.
CSV Export component for .NET
Declare Value Objects in one line e.g. `class ClientRef : ValueOf<string, ClientRef> { }`), create using `ClientRef.From(someString)` The base Type ValueOf<TValue, TThis>, provides Equals, GetHashcode. Use ValueTuples for multi property values e.g `class Address : ValueOf<(string firstLine, string ...