Top 20 NuGet validation Packages

FSharpx is a library for the .NET platform implementing general functional constructs on top of the F# core library. Its main target is F# but it aims to be compatible with all .NET languages wherever possible. This library is for the .NET platform implementing a WMI type provider.
Provides common validation attributes for Dominican Republic (DO).
Mkay is a custom validation attribute that allows you to specify validation rules in a LISP-like syntax. It is the one validation attribute to rule them all.
Move quickly from data in your programs to data on your harddrive and vice versa. Validate XML files against a schema before deserialising them. Get detailed validation errors to let you know exactly what's wrong with your XML format. Full source code and example data available on GitHub: https://g...
A general purpose password validation framework that is configurable and can check passwords against a blacklist. Available under the MIT License.
C# library methods aimed at reducing common and redundant code. Contains the Argument class for compact parameter validation.
Knockout Utilities Extensions to simplify Knockout app development
Annotate.js is a lightweight Javascript library that parses data annotations added to JSON objects. It is usable either standalone or within the Microsoft ASP.NET MVC framework.
Validation, Format attributes and Query protection logic (SafeQuery IQueryable, and CanSort attribute) used by the Mvc Controls Toolkit
The primary focus of this package is to expose the .NET Framework's data validation syntax to AngularJS without other dependencies.
Danio is a command line args parser. It provides a simple and static way of defining arguments in the classes where they are actually used and it initializes everything at application start time.
An automatic validation module for AngularJS which gets rid of excess html in favour of dynamic element modification to notify the user of validation errors
This package enables jQuery unobtrusive validation for Bootstrap 3. The errors appear as tooltips and the form elements turn red when invalid, green when valid. You can customize all aspects of the validation.
Powszechny Elektroniczny System Ewidencji Ludności (PESEL). Projekt udostępniający walidację oraz generowanie numerów PESEL.
This package provides reusable validation for WPF applications.
bsasper is a jQuery plugin that converts the output of all ASP.NET WebForms dynamic validation errors from inline text to Bootstrap 3 popovers. Both client-side error messages and messages that result from a post-back are rendered as popovers.
Web Api validation attributes, that cares about request method type
This library contains validation methods for data which can be validated against defined ISO standards. Supported standards: ISO 6346 (BIC), ISO 27729 (ISNI), ISO 2108 (ISBN 10+13). ISO Logo copyright © ISO.
Useful extension methods for .Net Standard 2.0 and above.
Provides common validation attributes for Dominican Republic (DO).