Top 20 NuGet validation Packages

Library containing multiple validations
A useful service class that provides functionality for generating and validating JWTs.
Useful converters for Xamarin.Forms
Classes to support a business logic layer or an API. Keep child-parent relationships in sync. Wrap a result with data along with a Successful flag and a list of messages. Keep business logic units separate, implementing ISideEffect. Check whether a list is dirty.
DNTFrameworkCore is a Lightweight and Extensible Infrastructure for Building Web Applications
This library help you to upload file, using beaty templates,validations.
MvvmLib Core Commands: DelegateCommand, AsyncCommand and CompositeCommand Task Extensions: for Async with void method Mvvm: BindableBase, ValidatableBindableBase and ModelWrapper EventAggregator : allows to subscribe, publish and filter messages
Address Search and Validation API for New Zealand postal codes, urban and rural delivery addresses.
Implementation for validation using FluentValidation
Implementation for validation using FluentValidation
Implementation for validation using FluentValidation
A simple yet powerful expression language for .net string literals. Make string truth expressions in compile time using binary, unary, relational, and conditional operators. XPress compiles expressions into an optimized predicate where it can be evaluated in runtime using variable values. XPress sup...
Provides a set of validation and runtime checking extension methods which permits a more fluent programming style.
DotNet Validator is a .NET library that contains a set of utility methods which could be used to validate or sanitize .NET data-models.
Add Validatable objects that leverage FluentValidation to your ViewModels for easy binding and validation in a .NET MVVM app!
Xamarin.Android Binding for Anders Cheow's Validator, an Android tool to validate text inside TextInputLayout
Extensions for FormValidator, for creating Red middleware
Consistent API Response Errors (CARE) is an ASP.NET Core middleware that centralizes the handling of input-validation errors, application exceptions and unhandled exceptions. Simplifies the API controllers by containing only the calls for the appropriate business-login service (without the need of i...