Top 20 NuGet utilities Packages

MerchantTribe.Web is a utility library for building .NET web applications and includes tools for Data Access Repositories, Passwords, HTML Sanitizer, Geography, Cookie Management and more.
A library with various utilities methods, extention methods and other programmatic helpers.
FLib.UI is extension to FLib with UI-specific features such as validators, converters, extensions to standard controls(eg. filtering input) and a couple of pure XAML extensions. By UI we mean WPF and Metro appications.
LINQ to SQL implementation of the Rolcore's generic repository pattern.
Azure Storage Client implementation of the Rolcore's generic repository pattern.
Localization utilities
System.Utilities.Web is a collection of helpers and extension methods for quickly solving and aiding with common .NET web related programming tasks.
Static classes for ASP.NET MVC to do some common operations. See the home please:
Console application helpers and utilities.
Generate and validate HMAC hashes for objects.
ObjectComparer library that compares and reports the differences between two .NET objects. It is made to specifically cater for comparisons between two entities using Entity Framework.
A collection of utilities for C# development
C# common libs, utilities and helpers.
This package holds utilities for maintaining SQL Server databases
Utilities and helper classes aimed at streamlining common Castle Windsor configuration needs.
Utilities and helper classes for simplifying configuration of Asp.Net MVC using Castle Windsor.
Basic extensions and utilities. Extensions and utilities for string, ienumerable, reflection, etc.
Biblioteca responsável por centralizar classes e métodos genéricos e padrões para acesso a banco de dados.
Common utilities such as logging shared across Reef/Wake/Tang