Top 20 NuGet sql Packages

A dapper extension library. Support MySQL,SQL Server,PostgreSQL,SQLite,Oracle and ODBC, Support cache.
Test sql server database using dacpac.
Microsoft SQL Server support for Jerrycurl. Targets Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.
SQLite support for Jerrycurl.
PostgreSQL support for Jerrycurl.
Oracle support for Jerrycurl.
MySQL support for Jerrycurl.
JSON support for Jerrycurl. Targets Newtonsoft.Json.
JSON support for Jerrycurl. Targets System.Text.Json.
Entity Framework Core integration for Jerrycurl.
SqlSyringe is a SQL database exploration tool, for testing and administration purposes. It allows specific users to directly execute SQL commands to a database. Implemented as a middleware component for the ASP.NET request pipeline, it serves specific HTML pages and code that executes SQL commands ...
Proto.Persistence driver for PosgreSQL database
Expression LINQ to SQL string
Microsoft SQL Server legacy support for Jerrycurl. Targets System.Data.SqlClient.
ORM engine for Jerrycurl.
A library that leverags SQL Service Broker to trigger Chatter events when table state changes.