Top 20 NuGet signalr Packages

Chaso SignalR Client empower you to create a simple way to Connect in .Net SignalR Server
Encapsula a criação de conexões e chamada aos métodos de um serviço SignalR. Ex.: SignalRCreateConnection exemploHub = new SignalRCreateConnection("http://localhost:8082/signalr", "ExampleHub"); SignalRCreateConnection notificationHub = new SignalRCreateConnection(host, "NotificationHub"); 1- "In...
Library built upon SignalR that eases creating multiplayer games.
Automatic Autofac lifetime-scope management for SignalR 1.x hubs.
IronMQ Backplane for SignalR
A .NET SignalR Client Connection Manager to automatically resume and keep up connections to SignalR servers in unstable network environments like mobile clients.
Incredibly simple real-time web for .NET. Components for using ASP.NET SignalR in applications hosted on System.Web.
This package includes the required dependencies for self-hosting SignalR in a process outside of IIS using OWIN and HTTPListener.
Implementation of a SignalR backplane with RabbitMq as the backing store.
JavaScript client for ASP.NET SignalR.
Incredibly simple real-time web for .NET. This package pulls in the server components and JavaScript client required to use SignalR in an ASP.NET application.
SQL Server messaging backplane for scaling out of ASP.NET SignalR applications in a web-farm.
Redis messaging backplane for scaling out of ASP.NET SignalR applications in a web-farm.
Service Bus messaging backplane for scaling out of ASP.NET SignalR applications in a web-farm.
Allows to subscribe to procedure results and get notified from DB when these results will change.
Fable bindings for ASP.NET Core SignalR
Implements the SignalR Hub Protocol over MsgPack for Unity.
Easy to use, small, SignalR Core unit testing support with NUnit and Moq. Check my github for xUnit or MSTest version
Event constraint handler for SignalR.EventAggregatorProxy