Top 20 NuGet signalr Packages

A basic SignalR backplane using ActiveMQ
A simple library that helps keep a Hub and it's C# clients in sync, using shared strongly typed contracts (i.e. Interface types and their methods and properties)
SignalR extension to help retry connecting to server if initialization fails on startup. Also provides more convenient unit testing interface.
Incredibly simple real-time signalr message hub for .NET
A javascript channel implementation for SlimBroker
A typescript channel implementation for SlimBroker
Implementation of a SignalR backplane with RabbitMq and MongoDB as the backing stores.
Backpack.Log4Net.SignalR is a simple log4net signalR appender.
A simple SignalR-based event aggregator that allows clients to subscribe to server events
A simple SignalR-based event aggregator that allows clients to subscribe to server events
UNOFFICIAL: Updates servicebus version to latest. Service Bus messaging backplane for scaling out of ASP.NET SignalR applications in a web-farm.
A Event Aggregator proxy for SignalR
NLog target for sending logs to SignalR groups
Source code for DryIoc integration with ASP.NET SignalR
A portable SignalR client with websocket support.
Advanced cache monitoring tool for Sitecore that was designed to replace built-in /sitecore/admin/cache.aspx
Trace Hub components that make your existing ASP.NET Web Application have TraceHub functionality. And you may need to cherry-pick a portion of Site.css to your Web project.
A SqlDependency framework which can be used with Entity Framework and SignalR for a rapid development environment.
Small command line tool to over the SignalR Proxy Generator to allow you to create the proxies at build time
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