Top 20 NuGet service Packages

Sometimes you use Service Remoting, sometimes you use HTTP and sometimes you use both. This library has transformations from Service Remoting URIs to reverse proxy URIs and vice versa.
Non-Configurable Enterprise Library Shared Library based on .NETStandard
Package Description
Client tools for Flexberry Service Bus.
Minio for Service Fabric is an open source and high performance distributed object storage server with Amazon S3 compatible API
Provides management capabilities for Microsoft Azure IoT Device Provisioning Service.
Alterian Email Manager C# Client Library
Package Description
This middleware will show a 'typing' event whenever a long running operation is occurring in your bot or other middeware components in the pipeline, providing a visual cue to the user that your bot is doing something.
Provides management capabilities for Azure Storage Sync.
The Cloud-based Face API provides developers with access to advanced facial recognition algorithms. Microsoft Facial Recognition Algorithms Allow Facial Attribute Detection and Facial Recognition
Interfaces for Application Services
Shared model for the services