Top 20 NuGet service Packages

Messaging implementations using Azure Service Bus for use with Astro.CQRS
Integration of auto-update mechanism in Topshelf services out of the box. (Fork of
A fluent API that you can use to build processes using the SOA concept and RESTful services.
Package Description
The WPF UnitComboBox Control implements a combobox that allows the selection of values from different lists based on different units.
This .NET standard library enables access to different data sources such as Microsoft Graph, OneDrive, Twitter, Microsoft Translator, and LinkedIn. It is part of the Windows Community Toolkit.
Jeeves.Core is a self contained web service which serves your own implementation of a configuration store through a REST API.
Official C# Library for the Feature Ops Web API
Library to help to perform any operations safely.
A simple MicroService core, base with Nancy, Windows service run, Console run. Simple to use.
Windows Service Bus (on-premises and Azure) transport layer for Nimbus
Package Description
Package Description
Package Description
A set of filters that gzip-compresses each message
CQRS, DDD and EventSourcing on Service Fabric
This package provides a C# based durable task framework for writing long running applications.
Azure Service Bus support for the Clockwise command scheduling library.