Top 20 NuGet query Packages

Extensions for FormValidator, for creating Red middleware
Generic data manager for EF CRUD operations
.Net Embedded Analytics and Report Generator that allows programmers to easily add Report building functionality to their ASP .NET Web Application
Extension methods for using SqlKata to generate SQL queries for PetaPoco.
Change the way as you work with actions.
JetToObjects makes querying a Microsoft Jet database easier by binding query results to dynamic objects. Web Crop Image Control allows developers to build image cropping functionality easily on their projects. You can seamlessly crop images and yet provide your visitors the most user friendly web interface by simply doing drag and drop in your projects.
This is the kernel library of DeveelDB SQL System for any CPU platform. DeveelDB is an embeddable SQL-99 Relational Database Management System oriented to the .NET/Mono frameworks, providing rich functionalities and high performances managing SQL databases within applications.
Contains all models required for doing the exercises of the Modern Development workshop involving Visual Studio, C# and WPF with XAML.
Glass & Sitecore 6.6 extensions for Lucinq 2.9
cpplinq is an open-source native template library that provides a set of LINQ-like operators for querying collections (arrays and STL containers) in C++11. The library contains a single header file and the API consists on a set of template classes and functions and is compatible with all major co...
Extension libs and utilities of DotQuery, a lightweight query result caching framework for .NET
enquire.js is a lightweight, pure JavaScript library for responding to CSS media queries.
Glass extensions for Lucinq Sitecore Integration
The EntityFramework's implementation of the Moveax.DataAccess.Cqrs.Highway core.
Autofac dependency resolver for Moveax.DataAccess.Cqrs.Highway
Unity dependency resolver for Moveax.DataAccess.Cqrs.Highway
Framework to simplify MS SQL access without Hibernate Query Language OR LINQ. This is for cases then simply CRUD operation must be made without overhead of mostroues ORM frameworks
This is the kernel library of DeveelDB SQL System for x86 Architecture. DeveelDB is an embeddable SQL-99 Relational Database Management System oriented to the .NET/Mono frameworks, providing rich functionalities and high performances managing SQL databases within applications.