Top 20 NuGet query Packages

Pomona helper library for NH4 querying.
xBIM Scripting contains the first release of the xBIMQL, BIM query and scripting Language. xBIM is an Open Source Toolkit for developing IFC based applications (BuildingSmart Data model). It provides full support for reading and writing geometry, topology and data in accordance with the Ifc2x3 sche...
LeadPipe.Net.Data.NHibernate is a comprehensive pre-built data implementation package that uses NHibernate and provides implementations of a repository, the query object pattern, and unit of work pattern. LeadPipe.Net is an open source collection of useful tools for .NET development. Read...
A lucene style query parser that is extensible and allows additional syntax features.
Lightweight .NET Core library for generating SQL statements from plain objects with advanced features and mapping support
NLQuery: natural language query parser recognizes entities in context of structured sources (like tabular dataset). Can be used for building natural language interface to SQL database or OLAP cube, implementing custom app-specific search.
CQL is a configurable query language.
A free .NET library to help you to build sql strings using C# object notation, making easier to write conditional queries with no hard-typed strings on the code.
Gear for performing active queries.
Main implementation of basic Firestorm.Rest interfaces.
Elasticsearch Bulk and Search is a high level library to make easy basic query operations (get, search and scroll) and index operations (single index or bulk), besides paging, sorting and query buider.
Fluent API for querying. To be used to provide a fluent API alternative to LINQ.
This projects forked from PoweredSoft/DynamicQuery
Library to help using connections and querys to MSSQLServer, SQLite and MSAccess
This projects makes it easier to use dynamic query in a core mvc project.
Library to help using connections and querys to SQLite
Minded helps to implement a clean architecture, offering the scaffholding necessary to implement patterns like Mediator, Decorator, Command and Query and more. Encapsuplate all your business logic in Commands and Queries, the rest will be dealth by the framework.