Top 20 NuGet orm Packages

Lazy Loading and navigation properties support for Dccelerator.DataAccess ORM.
Extends ADONetHelper library to DB2
RDF-Object Mapping for the Semantic Web in .net contracts.
Flexberry ORM MongoDbDataService Package.
A lightweight, database first, micro ORM
W-ORM is simple and usefull an ORM
Use Entity Framework 6 as a data source for Firestorm.
Interfaces that define data sources used in Firestorm.Engine.
Sqlite provider for Storm.
Super-Tiny ORM framework.
Empiria Ontology, ORM, messaging and other foundation types.
A slim yet powerful ORM layer.
Qapper (pronounced 'kwapper') is a super simple object mapper for kdb+\q modelled after Dapper Database Access Framework based on Reflection and ADO.NET. Sel.Data provides access to Database providers (default for mssql).
KORM.MsAccess is fast, easy to use, micro .NET ORM tool for MsAccess. (Kros Object Relation Mapper)