Top 20 NuGet orm Packages

RDF mapping through attributes for the strongly typed handling of RDF in-memory data sets.
Core of the strongly typed handling of RDF in-memory data sets.
Data contracts of the strongly typed handling of RDF in-memory data sets.
Simple Get, GetList, GetListPaged, Insert, Update, Delete, DeleteList, and RecordCount extensions for Dapper. Uses smart defaults for attribute free classes but can be overridden as needed. By default uses Id column as the primary key but this can be overridden with an attribute By default qu...
Core functionality API objects for ADO.Net.Client based libraries
FreeSql 数据库实现,基于 Sqlite 3.0,支持 .NetCore、.NetFramework、Xamarin
Sql Server support for the Thuria Thark framework
Sql Lite support for the Thuria Thark framework
This library exposes the native .NET IoC integration for the Solid Instruments implementations of abstractions for the repository and unit-of-work patterns.
This library exposes the Autofac IoC integration for the Solid Instruments implementations of abstractions for the repository and unit-of-work patterns.
This library exposes the Autofac IoC integration for the Solid Instruments Entity Framework data access abstractions.
This library exposes the native .NET IoC integration for the Solid Instruments Entity Framework data access abstractions.
A brand new, lightweight and fast ORM, build for PostgreSQL.
The CRUDinski framework is (yet another) ORM framework, designed for RAD object-based, multi-query language filtering, updating and posting of object data.