Top 20 NuGet oauth Packages

Contains common functionality used by other Quantum Concepts assemblies.
Contains common functionality used by other Quantum Concepts assemblies.
Contains common functionality used by other Quantum Concepts assemblies.
Provide extend classes to work with OAuth
Components for accessing Google Services including Google Storage, Google Docs, Google Calendar, Gmail Contacts, and more!
Components enforcing "secure by default" TLS implementations of core Internet Communication Protocols such as HTTP, FTP, SMTP, IMAP, LDAP, SOAP, and WebSockets, through simple, easy-to-use, and intuitive APIs.
Infrastructure and configuration for building identity provider plugins for Affecto Authentication Server.
.Net Client Libraries for Auth0
.Net Server Libraries for Auth0
Nequeo OAuth client component
Marten persistence layer for IdentityServer4 using postgresql as a document store
Resource Server components for consuming OAuth tokens genetrated by an Authorization Server based on OAuth.AspNet.AuthServer
Easy integration of your .NET Core with Facebook or Google OAuth services
Non-standard Extensions (utilities) to Xamarin-Auth (refresh-token)
Easy Dynamics ASP.NET Core OAuth ADFS Authentication Library This package was created to handle OAuth with ADFS for ASP.NET Core applications. For examples on how to use the package please visit the project home page.
Provides easy JWT Authentication into your .NET, MVC and WebAPI projects.
This .NET standard library enables access to different data sources such as Microsoft Graph, OneDrive, Twitter, Microsoft Translator, and LinkedIn. It is part of the Windows Community Toolkit.
External OAuth Provider for
Interfaces that needed for Exoft.Security.OAuthServer package.