Top 20 NuGet oauth Packages

Authentication and service implementation for the Pinterest API.
Authentication and service implementation for the BitBucket API.
Google API OAuth provider implementation for the sensenet platform.
ASP.NET Core security middleware enabling WeiChat authentication.
ASP.NET Core security middleware enabling QQ authentication.
ASP.NET Core security middleware enabling Baidu authentication.
EntityFramework persistence layer for IdentityServer4
CA DeviceDNA is a unique approach to identifying and classifying any device that attempts to access a protected web page
Implementation of tokens based authorization.
This package will help you retreive an access token from your authorization end point using OAuth2 client credentials flow.
This is simple, light package created using Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL) to access REST API using OAuth2 and OpenID Connect authentication.
LandSense auth handler for ASP.NET Core projects.
This package will help you retreive an access token from your authorization end point using OAuth2 Resource Owner Password Credentials flow.
Provides an extension to the JwtBearer middleware for ASP.NET Core. In addition to verifying an access token, it will also fetch the userinfo from the identity/OIDC provider, and populate the UserPrincipal with that data.
This library enables access to Facebook. It is part of the Windows Community Toolkit.
Package Description
Package Description
Add WebHosting Certificate to Identity Server 4