Top 20 NuGet netstandard Packages

Direct SQL Aspect for Reinforced.Tecture
Simple Version Control library for .NET projects.
Simple library for reading and writing spss (.sav) files
Includes some data reallocation and zipping utilities to acoompany the core library
A high-performance brainf*ck interpreter and debugger
A very simple and extremely fast CSV reader and writer. Supports .NET Framework 2.0 and above, .NET Standard 2.0 and above. Provides a customizable data resolver for reading and writing typed objects directly. Provides many options to control the reading and writing process.
Enterprise Spreadsheet Solutions for .NET Developers Spread WinForms (SpreadWin) is a multi-functional spreadsheet that professional Visual Studio developers use to create windows and web applications for analysis, dashboard, data collection and management, scientific, financial and other similar p...
[.Net Standard 2.0] Provides functionality to flatten complex objects into EntityProperty dictionary and functionality to recompose original complex object from the flattened property dictionary. One usage is that the API allows writing any complex object with nested properties into Azure CosmosDb T...
A Collection of Fuzzy String Algorithms for .NET Classic and .NET Core.
A simple NetStandard based interface for representing currency in .Net projects.
This is a C# port of the C-based MPFIT Levenberg-Marquardt solver for nonlinear least-squares data fitting at Argonne National Labs for .NET 2.0 and higher, or any platform target compatible with PCL Profile 328 or .NET Standard 1.0.
A micro framework that helps you implement pipeline and chain of responsibility patterns.
A performance-focused library for Amazon DynamoDB2.
A modern library for Amazon's Simple Notification Service.
A simple library for Amazon's EC2 service.
.NET Standard port of this Common Service Locator library contains a shared interface for service location which application and framework developers can reference. The library provides an abstraction over IoC containers and service locators. Using the library allows an application to indirectly acc...
Asterisk Management Interface (AMI) client library for .NET
A .NET Standard Library to bypass Cloudflare's Anti-DDoS measure (JavaScript challenge) using a DelegatingHandler.
This is an open source helper library which you can use to communicate with your ZigBee-based Ikea TradFri gateway
A reimplementation of PCLStorage that keeps 100% of the publicly-accessible API, and is contained in only one .NET Standard assembly that does not rely on any external framework code.