Top 20 NuGet netstandard Packages

Piranha Module for generating a partial page structure from local markdown files.
.net standard extensions for reference and/or non reference types.
.net standard PBKDF2 manager
OData client manager library which uses the IODataClient implementation of Simple.OData.Client to communicate with OData APIs and handles OIDC authentication as well as request versioning requirements on top.
This is a AMQP Service Bus Simulator library that can help you test your code in isolation, before it speaks to real Service Bus.
This is a HTTP Api Simulator library that can help you test your code in isolation, before it speaks to real Http Apis.
Easy to use and very light weight Microsoft style Basic Scheme Authentication implementation for ASP.NET Core.
A Filtering framework. The main purpose of the library is to generate LINQ expressions for Entities over DTOs automatically.
Net Standard Cache Helper
A very simple library providing some extension methods around netcore System.Text.Json.
EntityFramework.Core Runtime for Reinforced.Tecture
Cross-platform controls for Xamarin.Forms
Harvest API client for .NET Standard.
Reports exceptions that are logged with Serilog to Coderr and adds the ability to attach serilog entries to all reported errors.
Simple file logger for dotnet Microsoft.Extensions.Logging
This package provides the functionality to utilize the features of Syncfusion Blazor FileManager component in Physical file system and more.
This package provides extensions to FluentAssertions for the Functional.Unions package.
A .NET library written in C# to communicate with an obs-websocket server.
A collection of helper methods and classes for .NET that I use every day. I have packed them in a single library to avoid code duplication.