Top 20 NuGet netcore Packages

OPC UA Https Binding Library
OPC UA Https Binding Library
dotConnect for MySQL is an enhanced database connectivity solution built over ADO.NET architecture and a development framework with advanced support for ORMs, such as Entity Framework and EF Core, and offers a complete solution for developing DB-related applications and web sites. It introduces new ...
Please note, a newer package, Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos, is available. While this package will continue to receive critical bug fixes, we strongly encourage you to upgrade. See for more details. This client library enables client applications targeting .NET C...
Json Localizer library for .NetStandard and .NetCore projects
A lightweight, document-oriented (NoSQL), syncable database engine for .NET
OPC UA Server Class Library
OPC UA Client Class Library
Simple.OData.V3.Client is a multiplatform OData client library supporting .NET 4.x, .NET Standard, .NET Core, iOS and Android. The adapter provides a great alternative to WCF Data Services client. It does not require generation of context or entity classes and fits RESTful nature of OData services. ...
MailMergeLib is a mail message client library which provides comfortable mail merge capabilities for text, inline images and attachments, as well as good throughput and fault tolerance for sending mail messages.
dotConnect for Oracle is an enhanced database connectivity solution built over ADO.NET architecture and a development framework with advanced support for ORMs, such as Entity Framework and EF Core, and offers a complete solution for developing DB-related applications and web sites. It introduces new...
dotConnect for MySQL is an enhanced database connectivity solution built over ADO.NET architecture and a development framework with advanced support for ORMs, such as Entity Framework and EF Core, and offers a complete solution for developing DB-related applications and web sites. It introduces new ...
This is a cross-platform library providing an object model for creating barcodes, and extension methods for rendering them on a GrapeCity.Documents.Drawing.GcGraphics. This library is compatible with .NET 8, .NET 7, .NET 6, .NET Standard 2.x, .NET Framework 4.6.1 or higher. All features are fully su...
The Syncfusion HTML to PDF converter is a .NET Standard library that converts URLs, HTML string, SVG, and MHTML to PDF in .NET Core applications. This converter uses the advanced Blink rendering engine, thus generating pixel-perfect PDF from HTML or URL.
The Syncfusion HTML to PDF converter is a .NET Standard library that converts URLs, HTML string, SVG, and MHTML to PDF in .NET Core applications. This converter uses the advanced Blink rendering engine, thus generating pixel-perfect PDF from HTML or URL.
This client library enables client applications to connect to Azure Cosmos via a repository pattern around the official Azure Cosmos .NET SDK. Azure Cosmos is a globally distributed, multi-model database service. For more information, refer to
OPC UA Security X509 Certificates Class Library
Repeating code and reinventing the wheel is generally considered bad practice. At Unosquare we are committed to beautiful code and great software. Swan is a collection of classes and extension methods that we and other good developers have developed and evolved over the years. We found ourselves cop...
Built on top of DataStax C# driver for Apache Cassandra, it provides additional features designed for DataStax Enterprise.
Kendo.DynamicLinqCore implements server paging, filtering, sorting, grouping and aggregating to Kendo UI via Dynamic Linq for .Net Core App(1.x ~ 3.x). Supported platforms: - .NET Standard 1.6 - .NET Standard 2.0 - .NET Standard 2.1 - .NET Core 1.0 ~ .NET Core 1.1 - .NET Core 2.0 ~ .NET Core 2.2 -...